Comfort, Freedom & Privacy

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partner offering comfort to the labouring woman in the portable birth pool in their home.jpg

What do our customers say?

The hexagonal sturdy design of our Blue Lagoon birth pools has been endorsed by hundreds of Midwives and satisfied users - here are just a few comments

Homebirth during the pandemic - a Blue Lagoon birthpool has proved a wonderful support:

Coming up to my due date I was concerned at the pressures that the Covid pandemic was putting on the NHS. This made me particularly keen to have the option of a home birth. Having had straightforward deliveries with my previous two children where I had used a birthing pool as my only method of pain relief, I was keen to have a pool available at home.

Blue Lagoon was the company recommended by my midwife, and I was very pleased with their product. Instead of a flimsy, paddling-pool style inflatable pool, they provided a wooden structure that supported me well during the birth as I was able to grip the sides.

They had thought of extras too such as a soft edge to lean against, and a step for climbing out of the pool. It was invaluable to me during the birth which went very smoothly.

After my little girl was born in the pool, within half an hour I was sat on my sofa with a cup of tea having cuddles with our baby. ”

— Philippa Moors

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New parents celebrating their waterbirth Blue Lagoon Birth Pools 2.jpg

“Hiring the birth pool was such a good decision…being in my own space helped me to get into a 'zone' and focus on the delivery..“ Helen


  • “I could not believe how much the water helped me, I even fell asleep in the pool in between contractions. Everything was so natural and instinctive and went without a hitch”. J B

  • “Our four daughters have all been born in birth pools. The Midwife who helped us at Phoebe's birth said the Blue Lagoon pool was the best she'd seen.

    Annie has also offered very helpful and friendly advice and an efficient service on all three occasions we have used her pools. If you're thinking of a home delivery Susan and I have no hesitation in recommending Blue Lagoon Birth Pools.“ - Susan and John

  • “Once I got into my birth pool I stopped panicking. It was such an amazing feeling – as though I was safe and could forget about anything outside my beautiful womblike space.”

  • “The thing I found most amazing about having a water birth was the sheer comfort of it. I had my first baby without the use of a pool in hospital and although I was told I could assume any position I liked, I found that coping with the contractions took all my energy and attention, and my body felt heavy and clumsy.

    With the birth of my second child at home in a Blue Lagoon pool, I could cope with the contractions much better, The support that the water gave me was beautiful and so welcome, allowing me to assume the most comfortable position effortlessly at each stage.

    Because I didn’t have to use any energy to move around, I had lots left when if came to the pushing stage, which happened quickly and effortlessly. I cannot think of a more natural or comfortable way to labour or a more gently birth for the baby.” - Diana